Strategic planning

Marketing isn’t cheap—especially when you spend money on it here and there without a cohesive strategy. Whatever your marketing budget, a good plan will help you get more for every dollar.

Here are just some of the questions that should go into a strategic marketing plan—whether it’s for an entire year or a single campaign:

  • What’s your goal? Is it quantified?

  • Who’s your ideal prospect? Get as detailed as you can.

  • What problem do they have? And how can you help them solve it?

  • Who are your competitors? How do you stack up to them? How are they marketing?

  • What’s the conversion process? And how can you provide the information your prospects need at each point in that process?

  • What’s your budget?

  • How will you track results?

If you could use an expert to help define and/or execute your marketing strategy, contact us.